Custom Homes

Rstoria understands and appreciates the sense of pride and achievement a custom-built luxury home can mean to its owners. Perhaps more than any other personal statement, a quality custom-built home is a reflection of the owners’ tastes and design styles, of where they’ve been, what has captured their eye and interest and of how they have chosen to live their lives.


A custom home is a bold statement and therefore must reflect the quality of the owners’ lifestyles, right down to the most meticulous detail. There is a personal story behind every custom home’s design, and Rstoria, with its emphasis on old-world craftsmanship in curating an elevated sense of elegance, is proud to help our clients tell theirs.


Knowing experienced quality builders like Rstoria are there every step of the way during the process of construction can make building a custom home a special life memory and one of the most inclusive, engaging and joyful experiences ever. At Rstoria, we never lose sight that we are taking part in the shared reward of turning dreams into reality and making a house a home.



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